Information Documentation and Communication Unit (INDOC) 

Information Documentation and Communication Unit

The INDOC Unit cooperates with local self-governments, cultural and scientific institutions, civil associations and individuals in the country and abroad. It studies their cultural development, particularly the development of the cultural institutions in AP Vojvodina.

It collects the documentation from all areas of life, culture and arts of Vojvodina Slovaks in traditional and electronic format by using digitalization. It also publishes books, brochures, magazines, CDs, etc. It monitors the state of all areas of culture and arts, especially from the aspect of law enforcement, fiscal policies, management, cultural tourism, and so on.

It cooperates with similar research, educational, information and documentation centers in the country and abroad, especially The Slovak Republic and neighboring countries.

It exchanges information, books, brochures and magazines about cultural policies, management, cultural tourism as well as cultural production in the country and abroad, especially in The Slovak Republic and neighboring countries.

It forms electronic archives and database of cultural institutions, manifestations, festivals, parades, memorials, artistic associations, rewards, biographical and bibliographical data about eminent experts in various fields of culture and arts, publishing houses and libraries; it engages in recording, distribution, display and copying the artistic and documentary films on video cassettes; professional and amateur theatres; music ensembles and orchestras; galleries, artistic creations and exhibitions; art colonies; immovable cultural properties and their protection; archives and museums as well as international cooperation in the fields of culture and arts.

It also organizes and promotes cultural tourism.