Opening ceremony
Opening ceremony
Concert of children from Elementary school of hero Janko Čmelik, Stara Pazova
Saint Sava in folk tradition, ES o. h. Janko Čmelik, Stara Pazova
Koncert detí ZŠ hrdinu Janka Čmelíka, Stará Pazova
Concert of children from Elementary school of hero Janko Čmelik, Stara Pazova
The fly as..., KIS Kisač
The fly as..., KIS Kisač
Cinderella of the Gingerbread House, ES 15th October, Pivnice
"Mušky z gumipušky", CAS Petrovska družina, Bački Petrovac
"Mušky z gumipušky", CAS Petrovska družina, Bački Petrovac
"Zorničkozor" - prezentation of digitalized magazine for children Zornička 1939-2014
"Číčkoviny" SCC P.J.Šafarik, Novi Sad
Workshops for children
Workshops for children
Poškoláci, ES of brotherhood and unity, Belo Blato
Eliana Markuš the winner of the competition for the best diploma of the review
Zuzana Tarnoci, Miroslav Fabry and Alexander Bako
The long nose, ES Jan Čajak, Bački Petrovac
Magician key, ES o.h. Janko Čmelik, Stara Pazova
Workshops for children
Firework for grandfather, ES of brotherhood, Aradac
Quiz for children
Quiz for children
"Na posedení", ES Jan Kollar, Selenča
Three feathers of the Dragon, ES "Young generations", Kovačica
Alice in Wonderland, SCAS "Detvan" Pančevo-Vojlovica
Alica v krajine zázrakov, SKOS Detvan Pančevo-Vojlovica
Festive stories, SKUS "Unity" Šid a ES "The front of Srem" Šid
About a proud bats, SECAV Bingula
Five hours to twelvee (Something about Sleeping Beauty), ES Branko Radičević, Bolevci
The shutter ceremonial
Anna Tomanova-Makanova, Libuška Lakatošova and Katarina Melegova-Melichova
Childrens and experts jury
Part of rewarded actors
8. June 2014
21. review of children's theater production 3xD was held on June 6th - 8th 2014 in Stara Pazova.
Photo: Stefana Budimirović