1. Editorial team: Nataša Simonović, Milina Sklabinski, Katarína Mosnak and Đula Šanta
2. Provincial Secretary for Culture and Public Informing Milorad Đurić looked at Slovak editions
3. Statement by Nenad Šaponja, President of the commission which evaluated the book editions
Snapshot of awarding prizes
The audience
6. Representatives of publishing houses and institutions that received prizes
Vladimir Gvozden získal cenu Laze Kostića
Group photo of the awarded
Authors of the publication: Milina Sklabinski and Katarína Mosnak
10. Editorial team: Katarína Mosnak, Đula Šanta, Milina Sklabinski, Nataša Simonović
11. At the opening program of the book presentation, the director Milina Sklabinski spoke to those present
Performance of meškárke from Aradac
Performance of meškárke from Aradac
he coauthor of the publication Katarina Mosnak spoke about the contents of the book
he coauthor of the publication Katarina Mosnak spoke about the contents of the book
16. The people present were informed that CIVS is planning to publish the book in Serbian language too
17. During the presentation, one of the reviewers of the publication - Ladislav Čani, also gave a speech
Ladislav Čani
Ladislav Čáni and Bora Otić
Performance of meškárke from Aradac
Video presentation
Program participants watched attentively the video presentation
The audience
Milina Sklabinská, Katarína Mosnáková and Ladislav Čáni
25. A journalist of RT Vojvodina, Bora Otić, spoke with the present audience about the publication and his impressions of Slovak
Bora Otić
Snapshot of presentation of the publication
Snapshot of presentation of the publication
Snapshot of presentation of the publication Milina Sklabinská and Katarína Mosnáková
Snapshot of presentation of the publication
Snapshot of presentation of the publication
Meškárke from Aradac
1. March 2012
At the 18th International Book Fair, the CIVS held a presentation of the book “Slovaks in Serbia in Terms of Culture”, for which they obtained a special prize - Editorial Achievement of the Year.