Adam Svetlík and Zuzana Čížiková.
The director of the VSCI Milina SKlabinská.
The participants of the Literature chambering.
The director of VSCI Milina Sklabinská has given gifts to the jubilees.
Samuel Boldocký.
Michal Harpáň and jubilees Michal Týr and Daniel Dudok.
Dalimír Hajko.
Miroslav Bielik, Michal Týr and Daniel Dudok.
Daniel Dudok, Zuzana Čížiková and Adam Svetlík.
The participants of the Literature chambering.
Jarmila Hodoličová and the jubilees Michal Týr and Daniel Dudok
Jarmila Hodoličová.
Martin Prebudila, Michal Týr, Daniel Dudok and Zuzana Čížiková.
Martin Prebudila.
Jubilees: Jarmila Hodoličová, Miroslav Dudok, Michal Týr and Daniel Dudok
Katarína Mosnáková, Miroslav Dudok and Jarmila Hodoličová
The participants of the Literature chambering.
Zuzana Čížiková and Adam Svetlík.
Miroslav Dudok, Jarmila Hodoličová, Zuzana Čížiková and Adam Svetlík
Zuzana Čížiková.
Zuzana Týrová.
Zdenka Valentová Belićová, Miroslav Dudok, Jarmila Hodoličová, Zuzana Čížiková and Adam Svetlík
Zdenka Valentová Belićová.
Vladimír Valentík and Ladislav Čáni.
Ladislav Čáni has got a prize of the cultural montly called Nový život.
A writer Viera Benková.
Martin Prebudila, Daniel Dudok and Ján Struhár.
Milina Sklabinská, Daniel Dudok and Katarína Mosnáková.
Daniel Dudok and Pavel Čáni.
Ladislav Čáni and Milina Sklabinská.
16. June 2012
On Saturday June 16th in the VSCI there has been held a 56th Literature chambering on a main topic - Slovak Vojvodina's literature on the entry to the second decade of the 21st Century.