STV Four Goblins and a Fairy
Anna Tomanová Makanová, President of NCSNM
Đorđe Radinović, Head of the County Council Stara Pazova
Milina Sklabinská, Director of CIVS
Ema Kočišová and Alexander Bako
CDS from Aradac performing Cinderella
ES J. Čajak, Backi Petrovac, performance Salt More Valuable than Gold
CDS from Boljevci performing How Monkeys Built the Home
CAS Petrovská družina, Backi Petrovac, Patja and the Pirates
DS from Selenča with the play Snowwhite and Seven Dwarfs
CDS from Bačka Palanka with the play Šmolkovia
CDS from Belo Blato with the play About the Proud Girl Named Ayoga
CDS from Erdevík playing Three Artists and the Dragon Samuel
CDS from Kovačica playing Best Friend
CDS from Padina performing The Academy of Mischief
CDS from Pivnice performing How Did the Egg Wondered Off
Expert jury composed of: Miroslav Fábry, an actor, Ján Makan, a director and Zuzana Tarnociová, an actress
CDS from Šíd with the play Three Dragon’s Feathers
CDS from Vojlovice with the play Vojlovica’s Ugly Duckling
Viva Dance, Novi Sad, musical Smile
6. June 2013 - 9. June 2013
The 20th festival of children’s theatre work "3xĐ" took place from June 6th – 9th in Stara Pazova. Foto: FODAP Stara Pazova