On tuesday, on 17th december in Vojvodina Slovak cultural institute was children's pre-Christmas party.
On this day the institute welcomed about sixty children from Novi Sad, Kysáča, Celarevo and other environments. The goal of this event was to group Slovak children from Novi Sad but also from nearly areas and offer them a quality children's cultural content in Slovak.
The program was moderated by puppets behind which hid actors Jan Žolnaj and Branislav Čeman.
On this event was presented Čarbolog, the journal of students of the Slovak language and literature in Novi Sad and the exhibition of Lubomir Sopka´s ilustration for childrens.
There was presented also sonsg from Childrens pop music festival Letí pieseň, letí. Rewarded songs sung Alexandra Vašekova, Iveta Kovačova, Valentina Chalupova and Martin Javornik, who presented the winning song Summer, sweet summer.
At the party was also Ema Stupavska, who demonstrated her dancing, which won notable award in the Czech Republic.
At the end of program the children received gifts, the Slovak books.