The Cultural Institute of Vojvodina Slovak women

10. March 2014
March the 8th CIVS devoted to women who have contributed to raising culture in our area in the past, as well as to those who are doing it nowadays.

With fitting evening program the Cultural institute has aimed to ameliorate this day to all ladies, rip them out of routine dailiness and just remember the importance of Vojvodina Slovak women, who have left deep traces in Vojvodina Slovak cultural history.

On this day many distinguished guests were present at CIVS, the program coordinator of the OSCE Mission to Serbia Zorana Antonijević, the President of the Academy of female entrepreneurship Jana Radakovićová with the collaborator Viktória Kováčová, Professor Slobodanka Markov and Viera Benková, President of the Assosiation of the Slovak women assemblies Viera Miškovičová, representatives of the Slovak women assemblies, singers of the Slovak cultural centre called Šafárik, as well as numerous ladies who made the party more festive.

Since the celebration of women would not have been possible without men, the party attended actor of the Serbian National Theatre, Miroslav Fábry and guitarist Edo, who have done their part in making this evening special.


The party was opened by Miroslav Fábry with the words of Yesenin, guitarist Edo with the guitar sound and the guests were welcomed by Anna Margareta Valentová, who gave the word to Zorana Antonijević, Program Coordinator of the OSCE Mission in Serbia, who noted the increasingly topical issue, the status of women and gender equality.

During the evening program members of Agape female singing group which operates in Slovak cultural center Šafarik from Novi Sad have sang few songs. The song Amazing Grace was sung by Anna Zorňanová  and an English song called You Raise Me Up singers successfully rehearsed Mgr. Art. Milina Sklabinská.

The meaning of important Slovak women that lived and worked on this area and left remarkable traces in our cultural history was noticed by the Academy of female business from Báčsky Petrovec, which in their honor has released a booklet Vojvodina – place of significant Slovak women. The booklet was presented by the President of the Academy of female entrepreneurship Jana Radakovićová and Viktória Kováčová.

At the end of the evening Miroslav Fábry performed a part  from the performance called UJEZ (the assembly of Yugoslavian emancipated women) written by Serbian author Branislav Nušić.


Numerous present ladies and just a few men the Director of CIVS Milina Sklabinská forwarded with a proper attention - floral arrangements that adorned the female party, which skillfully were made by Svetluša Hlaváčová. Every present lady received a rose as a gift.

By doing this the CIVS payed tribute to women who have contributed to raising culture in our area in the past, as well as to those that are trying to do it today.

Anna Margareta Valent; English translation: Anna Struhar
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