Culture for all

25. March 2014
On Tuesday, March 25th 2014 in the large hall of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina was held the AER Conference Culture for All.

Rich conference program started in the morning at 9.30 a.m., when the President of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina Ištvan Pastor welcomed all present participants. Opening speeches also had the Deputy Prime Minister of AP Vojvodina and Provincial Secretariat for Culture and Public Information Slaviša Grujić, and President of AER Committee 3 and the president of Council of Nordland county ( Norway ) Sonja Steen.

Ištvan Pastor, predseda Zhromaždenia AP VojvodinySlaviša Grujić, podpredseda Vlády AP Vojvodiny a pokrajinský sekretariát pre kultúru a verejné informovanie
 Sonja Steen, predsedníčka Výboru 3 AER-a a predseníčka Rady kraju Nordland (Nórsko)Mihal Ramača, novinár a publicista
Dr Tamaš Korhec, predsecu Národnostnej rady maďarskej národnostnej menšinyMgr Art Milina Sklabinská, riaditeľka Ústavu pre kultúru vojvodinských Slovákov

Introductory contributions had the representatives of national minorities, journalist and publicist Mihal Ramač and the head of the National Council of the Hungarian minority Dr. Tamáš Korhec, and the Director of the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina Slovaks Mgr.Art. Milina Sklabinski. The Director Sklabinski presented the work of the Institute, its aims, mission, past accomplishments, as well as plans and resolutions for the future while using the public right of national minorities to use their mother language in which she presented her contribution to this conference.

The following part of the conference Culture through Education was moderated by Ľubica Srďanov. More contributions were presented by Deputy Prime Minister of Vojvodina and Provincial Secretariat for Education, Administration and National Minorities Mr. Andor Deli, who talked about bilingualism and multiculturalism in schools, the rector of the University of Novi Sad Proff. Dr. Miroslav Vesković, member of the Regional Council of Nord regions (Netherlands) Marius Ten Harmsen Van Der Beek, Marius Rošu who presented a quiz for the youngs about cultures in Vojvodina, which airs on RTV Vojvodina, the Director of Elementary School Petefi Šandor from Novi Sad Zoltan Ardelan, as well as the Director of the Gymnasium in Bački Petrovac called John Kollar, Paľo Belička who with his contribution gave an example of good practice, he introduced this Slovak institution, its work and mission.

 The part Culture for the whole society was moderated by Zoran Jaković. In this section spoke the Chairman of the Committee on Culture and creativity (Sweden) Lars Eklund, Vice-AER and responsible for Equal Opportunities (Sweden) Monica Carlsson, President of the Association of the sightless in Vojvodina Vladimir Panin, member of the Youth Policy Goricia regions (Italy) Frederico Portelli, and the President of Roma Matrix and journalist of RTV Vojvodina Petar Nikolic.

The first day of the conference was concluded with a contribution of the regional councilor Sörmland (Sweden) Christer Kax Sundberg.

The conference Culture for all has brought new ideas, opinions and allowed the exchange of views and experience on cultural issues, which is so common to all nationalities living in Vojvodina, as well as all other nations, whose representatives attended this conference.

Anna Margareta Valent; English translation: Anna Struhar
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