About the latest titles of Slovak publishing center and CIVS in Padina

14. March 2014
Within the traditional event called Winter with a book which was held on March 12th 2014 was presented the doctoral dissertation of Dr. Zuzana Čižiková.

Padina is often called as our most Slovak town in Vojvodina. The last registry showed that in Padina lives the largest number of Slovaks in Serbia and there is also the only elementary school in which the number of Slovak pupils is not decreasing but rather increasing. It was in this elementary school of Marshal Tito in Padina, the traditional event Winter with a book, held by Slovak publishing centre which gathered a nice number of visitors. The present were welcomed by headteacher Ladislav Petrovič while the role of moderator had Jana Kováčová.

The focus of the evening was doctoral dissertation of the Dr. Zuzana Čižiková, whos work under the name Literary works of Ján Labáth in the edition of a doctoral dissertations was published jointly by the SPC and CIVS.

About this edition as well as the bibliographies and bibliophiles, also the collections of scientific conferences, yearbooks and other editions of CIVS spoke the Director of the Institute Milina Sklabinski. The Director pointed out that publishing is not the primary activity of the Institute, but rather one of the outputs of research projects that CIVS supports in different ways. She announced the titles that CIVS plans to release this year.

The Director of Slovak publishing centre Vladimir Valentík then introduced total SPC opus of 2013. Individually mentioned on all editions, in which the SPC prepared last year, new titles, but more particularly the word about the book Cherry jam, the book for children written by Mária Jonášová Kotvášová.

At the end of the evening the Director of SPC gave books to libraries in Padina and Kovacica, also caring hostess on behalf of the House of Culture in Padina and on behalf of the extended department, municipal library in Kovačica gave bunches of flowers and close – fitting gifts to guessts of the evening.

Milina Sklabinska; English translation: Anna Struhar
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