Digitized works of prof. Daniel Dudok

13. February 2015
The Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks completed the digitization of audio recordings of field research made by a university professor, a prominent linguist and researcher Daniel Dudok.
Daniel Dudok

In order to process the research material from Bačka, Sriem, Banat and Slavonia into electronic form and make it available for the future generations and researchers, in 2014 Daniel Dudok delivered his lifelong research work to the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks.

This valuable audio material (about 100 interviews with informants from various Slovak villages in Serbia and Slavonia recorded on tapes) was digitized within the INDOK department and then it will be processed into electronic database. Previously, it will be necessary to describe all the details of informers, researchers surveyed areas etc., which will be carried out under the supervision of prof. Dudok. Professor also owns other material on rolls, such as interviews from Bačka Palanka, Bajša, Čelarevo, Vojlovica, Ašaňa, Ilok, Radoš, Višnjićevo etc., which will also be digitized.


Electronic processing of prof. Daniel Dudok's work is a way by which this valuable material will be maintained from extinction, while at the same time it will contribute to the accessibility of the material for dialectologists, historians, ethnologists and other researchers in some new research and scientific projects.

CIVS electronic database was created in 2009 as a project, which allows the digitized audio, video, printed and photo-material to be systematized and maintained in one place, with the intention of creating an electronic archive. This will contribute to the maintenance, development and progress in the research activity and culture of Vojvodina's Slovaks in general. By creating an electronic database there has been inserted a diverse archival material-the oldest video recordings, old photographs, reproductions of artworks, recordings of folk songs and new artistic compositions, digitized magazine issues, books etc. Each entity is processed thoroughly and it describes the set of meta-data and makes preparation procedure to create one integrated electronic archive about the culture of Slovaks in Vojvodina.



Katarína Mosnáková-Bagľašová
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