CIVS contributed to the monograph called Vojlovica. Cultural traditions of Slovaks in Banat.

20. July 2015
On Thursday July 23rd 2015 at 6 o'clock p.m. at the Memorial house of Vojlovica a presentation of the monograph called Vojlovica. Cultural traditions of Slovaks in Banat, was held.


Foto: Vojlovica. Kultúrne tradície Slovákov v Banáte


The presentation of this publication is a part of the traditional Harvest fest in Vojlovica. The publication called Vojlovica. Cultural traditions of Slovaks in Banat is another monograph which is supported by the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks, with the goal to preserve the cultural heritage of Slovak localities in Vojvodina. 



Vojlovica is the first ethno-cultural community existing on the territory outside the Slovak Republic which mapped, evaluated and published their cultural heritage according to a new, special methodology.


This material has been created with the preparation of this book, it is its integral part, but is of particular importance and value. It is an open system that can be complemented in the future as they will enrich and develop cultural heritage of Vojlovica." We read in the monograph, whose editor is Prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Čukan, Csc.


The team of authors Prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Čukan, CSc., PhDr. Zuzana Drugová, PhDr. Michala Dubská, PhD., Ing. Marián Járek, PhDr. Michal Kurpaš, PhD., Mgr. Branislav Kulík, Doc. PhDr. Ladislav Lenovský, PhD., Doc. PhDr. Boris Michalík, PhD., PhDr. Peter Michalovič, PhDr. Roman Zima, PhD., PhDr. Marián Žabenský, PhD. tried to process first of all the specific cultural elements and features, to underline their value, the meaning of cultural traditions, for the ethnic and local identity and contribute to the revitalization of the collective memory.


Foto: Vojlovica. Kultúrne tradície Slovákov v Banáte

The monograph maps the geography and cultural-historical development of the country, contacts to urban environment and the Slovak community in Vojvodina, the history of the church, the consciousness of belonging (village-urban, agrarian-industrial), the transformations of traditional architecture, traditional gastronomy, assemblies activities and contacts with foreign countries, contacts with Hubova, customary traditions, tapantoše - dances and dance opportunities, Slovak folk songs. The monograph also maps out and evaluates the cultural potential. Also the anthology of folk songs is a part of the monograph.

The monograph was supported financially by the Office for Slovaks living abroad, National Council of the Slovak national minority in Serbia, the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks, Slovak Evangelical church in Vojlovica and town Pančevo.

translated by Anna Sirkova
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