Research on the life stories of Slovak women from Lowland

12. October 2015
CIVS continues with the project Women Studies. This time the research of the Slovak women life stories is held in Romania, Hungary and Croatia with the support of the Office for Slovaks Living Abroad.

The project is a continuation and expansion of a successful project established by the organization from Novi Sad called women studies, which in 2003 launched an Oral history research methods and subsequently released publication called Life stories of Slovak women in Vojvodina. The book reaped great success and prompted the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks to continue to work with the authors of this research, who will record and process the life stories of Slovak women living in Hungary, Romania and Croatia in the new phase of the research.

In the preparatory phase the induction training on the methodology of Oral history was held by Anna Jašková. Subsequently, researchers Anna Jašková, Aneta Lomenová and Marijan Pavlov conducted a research in Hungary and Romania. Interviews with informants will continue in Croatia and Serbia, which will be held by Anna Jašková and Anna Margareta Valentová.

The project aims to explore and professionally record the life stories of Slovak women from the Lowlands and thus contribute to the detection of questions about life of compatriots in time and space. The specific purpose is to prepare a study on the Life stories of Slovak women from Lowland, which not only include the results of field research, but also present the testimonies of women in Serbia, Hungary, Romania and Croatia.

The project is supported by the Office for Slovaks Living Abroad. With this project we want to contribute to documenting life of Lowland Slovak woman in the past, and to spread the values of Slovak identity preservation beyond the borders of the mother country. We expect that the field research will develop international cooperation and will bring some new ideas for joint projects.

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