The Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks presented the portal on the fair in Novi Sad

1. March 2011
The portal of Vojvodina's Slovaks is one of few which informs also in Serbian language.

Vojvodina Slovak Cultural Institute has had a presentation at the International Book Fair which was held on February 28th 2011. The fair in Novi Sad which lasted since the February 24th until  March the 1st, was realized with the goal to present the cultural industry of Serbia. On the stage in Master center, on February the 28th culture lovers and everybody who was interested could visit  and be informed about the culture of Vojvodina Slovaks culture and simultaneously to find out many things about the most complex project, which is the web portal of Vojvodina's Slovaks culture.

Milina Sklabinská, Žužana Serenčeš a Vladimíra Dorčová
Photo: ÚKVS

The director of the Cultural Institute Milina Sklabinska has presented the work of the Institute as much as the meaning of the portal which informs about the cultural infrastructure. The portal presents every part of the cultural life of the Vojvodina's Slovaks. Above all mentioned it also meets a role of a media, by daily actualization about the cultural undertakings of Vojvodina's Slovaks.  In present time the Internet is most effective communication tool for the cultural sector, the specific of this portal  is that it can provide a wide spectrum of informations which capture extensive and rich culture of Slovaks from Vojvodina. The Cultural Institute tries to overcome some barriers, one of them is the language. With  that aim the Cultural Institute on its portal publishes more and more informations in Serbian and English language. The eminent journalist Žužana Serenčeš stressed out this fact as noticable.

Žužana Serenčeš
Photo: ÚKVS

Milina Sklabinská, Žužana Serenčeš a Vladimíra Dorčová
Photo: ÚKVS

On this presentation there also was present Vladimíra Dorčová who is the president of the Association of Slovak journalists in Serbia, who accentuated the meaning of internet communication. The portal of Culture of Vojvodina’s Slovaks she named  as the pioneer of the internet journalism for Slovaks in Serbia. Also she mentioned that the attributes of internet journalism are of a great importance to observe. It should be interactive, accurate, visually attractive, prompt and many other things. Not less important for the internet journalism is the feedback and other segments which evolve with time. This portal represents the intercultural factor as the most meaningful of the European values. This is proved with the availability of contents in Serbian and English language said Dorčová.   

Anna Struhárová
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