Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks had a presentation in Kysáč

31. March 2011
The Slovak woman association from Kysáč on their weekly meeting welcomed the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks which presented its work and the biggest projects.

Presentation of institute which was held on March the 30th in cultural information center of Kysáč was the next step in cooperation between the association of woman from Kysáč and the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks.

Členky Spolku slovenských žien v Kysáči

Photo: Andrej Meleg

The members of Slovak woman associations were in the year of 2009 and 2010 the participants of Slovak from the lowland meeting which was called “Na jarmoku” and it was in organization of Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks. Last year the woman associations were also participating on the event, which was about the best old photography of the new weds where wedding tradition called “čepčenie mladuchy“ (which is one of the oldest customs of Slovaks in Vojvodina and it is a covering of the brides head with a traditional hat, which she was supposed to wear ever since, it was a sign that a woman was married) was also organized by the Cultural Institute.

The representatives of the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks, the director Milina Sklabinská and specialist cooperate in the informative-documentation and communication unit Katarína Mosnáková were welcomed by the president of the Slovak woman association from Kysáč Ľudmila Berédiová Stupavská: For now it is the only institution which showed some interest for the work of woman associations. The proof about this fact is the cultural portal on which there are news about our activities and about particular associations.

Hostky privítala predsedníčka spolku žien Ľudmila Berediová Stupavská

Photo: Andrej Meleg

The director of Cultural Institute Milina Sklabinská presented the work of institute and dedicated few words to the results of the two year existence of this institution. Katarína Mosnáková presented the concrete project which is the portal of Vojvodina’s Slovaks culture, its plan and aims.

At the end of the evening there has been a quiz which contained out of five questions. The fastest ladies who answered correctly got rewards form the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks.

Riaditeľka ÚKVS Milina Sklabinská

Photo: Andrej Meleg

Katarína Mosnáková, odborná spolupracovaníčka v INDOK jednotke ÚKVS

Photo: Andrej Meleg















                                                                                                                                                                                          Katarína Mosnáková

Katarína Mosnáková
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