The Office for Slovaks Living Abroad delegation visited Serbia

13. May 2011
The president of The Office for Slovaks Living Abroad Milan Vetrák has visited the Vojvodina Slovak cultural institute on May 12, 2011

With a goal to ameliorate the cooperation between the Slovaks living on the Lowland and The Office for Slovaks Living Abroad the president of the Office Milan Vetrák together with Martin Štrbka, who is entrusted with the management of territorial, information, media, international and cultural department (TIMMKO) and the spokesman of the Office Ľudovít Pomichal, have visited four countries in which the Slovaks live. They visited Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Croatia.

During the visit of town Novi Sad the delegation was greeted by the represenatives of slovak radio and television editorial offices of the regional station called Radio and television of Vojvodina and also Newspaper publishing institution called „Hlas ľudu“. The part of their trip consisted of the visit to the the National Council of Slovak Minority and the Vojvodina Slovak cultural institute.

Delegácia ÚSŽZ na návšteve ÚKVS

Photo: ÚKVS

The director of the cultural institute Milina Sklabinská has presented to the president the work of the institute, goals and ways of developing the procedures for building upon the Slovak culture in Serbia. One of the most prioritized topics was the preparation of the fourth Meeting of the Slovaks from the Low land - "Na jarmoku“ (On the fair). The central organizator of this undertaking is The Office for Slovaks Living Abroad while the Cultural institute is responsible for the organizational part of Slovaks from Serbia.

Riaditeľka ÚKVS a predseda ÚSŽZ

Photo: ÚKVS

The Lowland fair will be held in Bratislava, Slovakia on July the 5th 2011, on the celebration day of the St. Cyril and Methodius. On the fair there will participate Slovaks from Hungary, Romania and Serbia who will present thier traditional crafts, meals and many other components of the Slovak folk culture.

Anna Struhárová
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