Exhibition of Jaroslav Šimovič's art work

28. July 2011
The Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks prepared new exhibition of artists work Jaroslav Šimovič, who this year celebrates his 80th birthday.

In the exhibition hall of the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina Slovaks within the 50th Slovak National Celebration, there has been held a Retrospective exhibition of paintings one of the most famous Vojvodina's Slovak artist Jaroslav Šimovič due to occasion of his life jubilee 80th birthday.

Photo: Michal Cerveni

Jaroslav Šimovič was born on April the 24th 1931 in Slovak town in Serbia called Kysáč. He spent his childhood in mentioned Kysáč and another Slovak village called Pivnica. His art talent was noticed during his elementary school by a eminent Slovak teacher Ján Čajak jr.

After finishing elementary school he attended the Slovak Gymnasium Ján Kollár in Petrovec. Back then he was ilustrating a magazine called Sunac and consequently he got to exhibit in Prague. Later on he was ilustrating also Slovak weekly print called Hlas ľudu, folk calendar and a magazine for children called Our pineers. In the year of 1953 her has designed a poster for Slovak Nationalk celebration which has been used also in present time.

In the 50'ies he became an art reviewer of the magazine called Nový život. He had his first independent exhibition after finishing his college (drawing and math) in Nový Sad in the year 1954. He worked as a pedagogue on several schools. Since the year of 1992 he is in a retirement.

Photo: Michal Cerveni

Since the 70'es he creates and works in his atelier. He has realized over 35 independent exhibitions mostly in Nový Sad. Jaroslav Šimovič also had exhibitions in Bratislava in the year 1989. His work as rewarded with many awards.

Art work of this author is characterized with finding themes from the past and different cultural traditions said art reviewer Vladimir Valentik. In his work there can be find segments from historic castbacks which he interprets in the light of his own kind of palet and emotions. His work is articulated with a grey colouring which gives a dreamy airines to his work.

Photo: Michal Cerveni

On this exhibition all visitors were welcomed by the director of Cultural Institute Milina Sklabinská. About the authors art work talked the art reviewer Sava Stepanov who has clarified the rich structure of the authors paintings.

Later on Vladimír Valentík brought up the fact that Jaroslav Šimovič is looking for the ideal picture to paint. Thats why he is in an emotional relation with every picture he paints because he thinks that maybe this one is the perfect one.

Photo: Michal Cerveni

Although the work of Jaroslav Šimovič is connected with mostly with abstaction but on his pictures there also dominate figures. The evening was fulfilled with an author compositions of a pianist Marina Kaňová. Passage from one of the interviews which were made past years to be more concreete in the year 1985 with Šimovič was read by Radomir Ćupić.

Photo: Michal Cerveni

The visitors had the opportunity to see over 30 paintings. The organizators of the retrospective exhibition were the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina Slovaks and the Gallery of Zuzka Medvedova.

The exhibition is openned all week from 9 a. m. Until 17 p. m. In the exposition hall of Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks which is located on the Njegoševa street 16/II in Novi Sad.

Photo: Michal Cerveni

The whole exhibition presents a search for the perfect picture...I think that the perfect one I still have not found but every painting is part of that seed. When you are working painting it can be felt in the air, Jaroslav Šimovič.

Anna Struhárová
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