Successful singing audition for children

7. November 2011
Eency Weency Spider, London Bridge is falling down, Twinkle twinkle little star, Three Blind Mice, The wheels on the bus, etc...similar to these melodies were sung in the CIVS on November 5th.

Singing audition for children was held in Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks which has invited altogether 30 children from Slovak towns of Vojvodina - Selenča, Pivnica, Báčsky Petrovec, Hložany, Nový Sad, Kysáč, Slankamenské Vinohrady, Dobanovce, Hajdušica, Jánošík, Biele Blato, Kovačica, Padina and Stará Pazova.

Dobrá nálada na kastingu nechýbala

Photo: CIVS

They had a hard work to do indeed. Firstly the brain – teasers about Vojvodina's Slovak culture which handled the directress of CIVS Milina Sklabinská. After that children had a serious vocal training which was led by a music professor Anna Medveďová, it wasn't easy to prepare while the lens of the hardworking cameraman Ľubiša Sremčević were pointed right at them. Children were singing without music accompanist, and were dealing with text chagrins but their biggest enemy was - mister stagefright!

Najmladšou účastníčkou bola Una Amidžićová z Nového Sadu

Photo: CIVS

It may sound pretty unbelieveble but the room of CIVS was full of heroes! Yes, they all have subdued every barrier and came out of it as true winners. They didn't hesitate to show their musical talent with which they surely surprised the jury and not only them, also their parents, relatives everyone who came to cheer for them. Children showed the true meaning of the word collegiate which has resulted with a strong applause.

It is a shame that the medias didn't show more interest for this scarce event, because maybe they could help the contestants to feel more like stars.

Na záver spoločná fotka účastníkov kastingu s odbornou porotou

Photo: CIVS

For their courage to apply on this contest for the recording of CD which will contain the best songs for children chosen out of a 20 year old Slovak minority festival And the song flies and flies - we already see them as true stars.

The jury is made out of big professionals, musicians (Juraj Ferík, Anna Medveďová and Milina Sklabinská) who have their hands full with work to pick the best out of excellent. Well you know what they say - the wheels are turning, now it is their turn to solve this difficult brain – teaser.

Juraj Ferík a Anna Medveďová v úlohe odbornej poroty

Photo: CIVS

Katarína Mosnáková
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