The main topic of the 6th Conference for musicians and music professionals was the Slovak music in Vojvodina. The conference was held last year, to be more precise it was o December 11th 2010. On this conference there have been presented many specialistic contributions to a topic the Inovative methods in music pedagogy. It has been organized by the Committe for culture of the National Council of Slovak Minority and by the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks. The target group were teachers of the music class whose main aim is to create a positive children s attitude toward music.
The intention of the conference was to draw near the music educational access to music teachers so their classes and pedagogical approach can be more effective. The yearbook contains many practical guidance’s how to have a better approach to the smallest and older recipients in the best way to approach music closer to them.
This yearbook is written by many authors – music professionals. The articles are written in Slovak language. The articles which are in the yearbook are Old and new teaching basics for theaching music class and their aplication in the pedagogy practice of the author Mgr. Emília Stanković, New trends of Czech music pedagogy in the educational system by dr. Eva Jenčková, Basis and and principles of the functional music education of the author Mgr. art. Tomáš Boroš, New Slovak textbook of music education in Serbia by Mariena Stankovićová Kriváková and Teaching music in Slovak language on the elementary schools in Serbia by Pavel Tomáš jr. The introduction and resumé in Slovak and Serbian language is written by Milina Sklabinská the editor of this edition.
The yearbook was published in 300 copies. The visual identity is made by a designer Jasmina Simonovićová who has made the design by the original which was made by Katarína Balážiková.
Everybody who is interested can get this yearbook in the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks.