Slovaks in Sebria from the cultural aspect – the edition achievment of the year

29. February 2012
CIVS has won a special prize of the international trade fair in category of the edition achievment of the year for the publication called Slovaks in Serbia from the cultural aspect.

The awarding was on March 1st on the trade fair in Novi Sad. The award was given by a head of committee Nenad Šaponja with a substantiation that the special award goes to Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks for thoroughly integrated process of the development of Vojvodina’s Slovaks culture which is represented also in high graphic standard. The prize was taken over by the Institutes directress Milina Sklabinská.

Odmenení na Medzinárodnom veľtrhu kníh v roku 2012

Foto: ÚKVS

In this category there has been awarded publishing houses like Paideja for first two editions „Aristotels chosen works“ also the poublishing house Evro Đunti for the first edition the history of serbian philosophy” and the main prize was given to the Službeni glasnik for the collection "Serbia and commentaires".

The award of Laza Kostić was given to a writer from Novi Sad Vladimir Gvozden for his work under a title “Serbian periplus culture”, which has been published by Službeni glasnik. It is about Serbian peripluses, which surpassed between 120 literary works which were candidating for this prestige award.

All awards were taken over on March 1st 2012 after the oppening of the 18th International trade fare of books and education.

This years International trade fare of books will last until March 6th. Organizators are expecting that there will be presented 50 publishing houses from Serbia and abroad and beside it there will be presented an art exhibition “Art expo”.

Slovak publishing center will present their publications with an accent on the chrestomathy of Vojvodina’s Slovaks literature for children called „Medovník“ written by Jarmila Hodolič. The book will be presented on Saturday March 3rd 2012.

Zamestnankyne ÚKVS a dizajnér Đula Šanta s udelenou cenou

Foto: Anna Francistyová

Katarina Mosnak
Premiéra tieňohry pod názvom Zatúlané sny režisérky Miliny Chrťanovej sa konala v nedeľu 8. mája 2016 vo veľkej sieni Kultúrneho centra Kysáč.
NRSNM, SKUS h. Janka Čmelíka, Obec Stará Pazova a ÚKVS vyzývajú detské divadelné súbory zo Srbska, aby sa prihlásili na 23. Prehliadku slovenskej detskej divadelnej tvorby 3xĎ.
V Novom meste nad Váhom bol ukončený XIX. ročník Festivalu Aničky Jurkovičovej, ktorý trval v dńoch 10.-12. apríla 2016.
V sobotu 9.apríla 2016 v Slovenskom kultúrno-umeleckom spoloku Jednota v Šíde bol usporiadaný prvý detský festival slovenských ľudových piesní pod názvom "Ked' si ja zaspievam".
Lehota na zaslanie prihlášok na výzvu pre koordinátorov celomenšinových festivalov vojvodinských Slovákov trvá do 15. apríla 2016.
Už dávno miestnosti ÚKVS neboli také tesné ako toho 1. apríla 2016 keď, keďže ide o divadelnú knihu, použijeme termín: premiérovala divadelná monografia MAKAN, zostavovateľa Martina Prebudilu.
U petak 1. aprila u 19h čekamo Vas u Zavodu za kulturu vojvođanskih Slovaka na promociji monografije MAKAN.
Galéria insitného umenia z Kovačice hosťuje v Ústave pre kultúru vojvodinských Slovákov.
On Friday, October 16th 2015, an international conference called 270 years of history, literature and language of the Slovaks in Vojvodina was held.
In the year of 2016 the VSCI in the edition of Visual monographs SlovArt plans to release an art monograph dedicated to the life and work of a painter Pavel Pop.