43rd Folk Festival Dance, dance ... will be held on June 1st in Hložany

12. April 2013
Signing of the contract on mutual rights and obligations of the founders and organizers of FF DD... and by first working meeting, the organizational Board began the preparations for this event.

In accordance with the Law on Culture and the Law on National Councils of National Minorities, as well as on the basis of mutual rights and obligations of the founders and organizers of the Folk festival Dance, dance ..., since 2013, the founders of this event (which is important for all Slovak minority in Serbia) are the National Council of the Slovak National Minority, the local community and cultural, educational association called Jednota of Hložany, with new participants in organization of this festival the Municipality of Báčsky Petrovec and the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina Slovaks.

Michal Hataľa, Anna Tomanová Makanová, Ján Bohuš, Pavel Marčok a Milina Sklabinská podpísali zmluvu o FF TT

Foto: Svetluša Hlavač

By this the Folk festival Dance, dance ... was also officially appointed as an event of a specific importance for the Slovak national minority in Serbia. The contract was concluded on April 9th 2013 in the house of Culture in Hložany and it was signed by Anna Tomanová Makanová (for NCSNM), Ján Bohuš (for local community Hložany), Michal Hataľa (for KOS Jednota of Hložany), Pavel Marčok (for Municipality Bačšky Petrovec) and Milina Sklabinská (for CIVS).

In addition to the rights and obligations of stakeholders, the contract results with a fact that the festival will be held in Hložany, but that based on other requests the festival can be held also in a different environment. At this meeting there has been chosen members of the Management Board (Michal Hataľa, Katarína Dobríková, Vladimir Medveď, Rastislav Struhár and Katarína Mosnáková) and the members of the program Board (Valentín Grňa, Anna Chrťanová Leskovac, Michal Spišiak, Ján Marko, Stanislav Dierčan and Jaroslav Litavský, who are also members of the Commission which works on maintaining and enhancing Slovak traditional culture in Serbia, of the Committee of Culture NCSNM). The festival has got a coordinator, who will be engaged by the CIVS and for whom is this year named Marijan Pavlov.

Záber z Otváracieho programu FF TT 2012

Foto: Katarina Mosnak

Three days later, on April 12th 2013 in Hložany, the first working session of the organizational Board for the 43rd FF Dance, dance .... was held. Board members together with the coordinator has made a work schedule, divided the tasks related to the organization of the festival and on the same day the members of the Board have called on organizations and institutions that have signed up for this event. 

Policy Board meeting follows, which defines the rules for the festival, the program and propose a professional jury. At the same time a preparation of this year's FF Dance, dance … visual identity is in progress.

Katarina Mosnak, translation: Anna Struharova
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