Naive Art - Cultural segment, by which Vojvodina is well known in the world

19. April 2013
The 66th solo exhibition of the naive painter Alžbeta Čížiková was held on April 18th 2013 in Novi Sad. This was also the first exhibition of naive art works in CIVS.

The exposition consists of 25 oil paintings, which were brought from the rich fund of Gallery of Naive Art from Kovacica to the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina Slovaks. Gallery directress Mária Raspírová noted that the rich fund of the Gallery is greatly enlarged by Alžbeta Čižiková’s paintings. At the same time in the introduction speech of the program opening, the Gallery directress said that she is very pleased that the naive art is presented in this way in Novi Sad, the city which does not exhibit the works of artists of Kovacica very often.

Foto: Nataša Simonović

Life and work of the oldest naive painter (not just the by her age, but also by her works) was presented by the art critic Vladimir Valentík. Among other things, he said that Alžbeta Čižiková had the advantage of knowing Martin Jonáš who introduced all the secrets of handling a brush. Martin Jonáš was an artist who cared about the Naïve art of Kovačica. And so it happened. Kovacica’s Naïve art has allowed Vojvodina to become world known. It is a segment of culture, according to which Vojvodina is known in the world, recklessly that one of us may prefer theater, literature or something else, but in the world we are known on the basis of Kovacica’s and Padina’s naive painters, said V. Valentík.

The program was hosted by the directress of the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina Slovaks Milina Sklabinská. The world of folk culture of Kovačica was introduced not only by images of Alžbeta Čižiková, but also the melodies of famous Kovačica’s orchestra called Rosička. The exhibition was opened by the head Department for Research of Folk Culture of the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade Dr. Vesna Marijanovićová.

Ľudový orchester Rosička

Foto: Nataša Simonović

Before the exhibition was opened, Vesna Marijanovićová also referred to the theme aspect of the exposed images. She said Čižiková in her work stops time, she shows the peaceful idyllic peasant everyday life, but also the holidays, especially wedding customs. Except the ordinary common themes, her paintings show also segments of everyday social life of Slovaks in Kovacica, from everyday workday, agricultural work, time to rest and entertainment ... said V. Marijanovićová.

Guests present on the exhibition had the opportunity to hear a few words from the author artist, who revealed that she always desired to exhibit in Novi Sad and thanked the CIVS, for the opportunity to do so. The artist said a few words about her painting beginnings, which were in the middle of the last century and she revealed what most inspires her to create. Thanks to her works she visited many countries and has received numerous recognitions, nevertheless, she remained close to her Kovačica and to the Slovak nation. This she confirmed by the words: "Slovaks, we are very diligent people, but I always thought, that we deserve more, we need to be even more diligent because our works are not known enough abroad. We have to work with all our strength to show that we know how to work. This is what kept me going. I am always very happy when I create or paint that’s when I forget about everything, even work and the environment. For me, this is life."

Alžbeta Čížiková

Foto: Nataša Simonović

All those who want to become familiar with a piece of the colorful life of painter Alžbeta Čižiková may visit the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina Slovaks, where the paintings will be on display until mid-June.


Katarina Mosnakova, translation: Anna Struharova
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