Presentation of the book Slovaks in Serbia from the Cultural Aspect held in Šid

4. June 2013
On Thursday, May 30th this year, at the theater hall of the Slovak Cultural Artistic Society "Jednota" in Šid, presentation of the book Slovaks in Serbia from the Cultural Aspect took place.

The Director of Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks, Milina Sklabinski, the creative designer of the book Đula Šanta and the photographer Mihal Madacki were at the presentation. Members of the "Sremski Front” elementary school’s Slovak reciting club, students of "Sava Šumanović" secondary school who attend classes of the Slovak language with elements of folk culture, as well as a group of female singers from the Slovak Cultural Artistic Society "Jednota", enriched this event with their performances. 


At the very beginning, Blaženka Dierčan and the President of the Slovak Cultural Artistic Society "Jednota" Štefan Farkaš greeted the audience. After that, a 3rd grade student from the elementary school "Sremski front" ,Anamarija Čanji, recited the song “Pán pravopis, či pán strašiak”, and high school students sang the song called “Vyrobená pre mňa”, by the contemporary Slovak pop band Desmond. The group of female singers performed a series of Slovak folk songs. 

After an appropriate introduction, the Director of the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks Milina Sklabinski addressed the audience. This was followed by the video presentation of the book. 

The designer Đula Šanta and the photographer Mihal Madacki spoke about the preparation of this publication. The Director Milina Sklabinski gave a present to the Slovak Cultural Artistic Society "Jednota" - photographs of Šid on large panels. These photographs were taken by Mihal Madacki, and were also published in the monograph. At the end of this artistic evening, residents of Šid had the opportunity to enjoy the song “V sieti ťa mám” performed by the high school students, and the song “Marhuľka, Marka, Miško a kohút”, performed by Katarina Ribar, a member of the "Sremski front" elementary school’s reciting club.

Students of both the elementary school and high school were coached for this performance by the Professor of the Slovak Language and Literature, Ana Kovar. The evening ended with a series of Slovak folk songs sang by the group of female singers. The large audience awarded the distinguished guests and participants of the literary-musical part of the program with a loud applause. 

Anna Kovárová, translated by Bojana Todić
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