CFE "Lúčka" from Bratislava visited the Institute

12. July 2013
Children from the folk ensemble "Lúčka", on their trip to Bulgaria, took a break in Vojvodina where they gained new experiences, adventures and made new friends among Vojvodina’s Slovaks.

“Lúčka” was founded in 1985 in Bratislava’s Petržalka, with the main goal to preserve the spiritual heritage and traditions of the Slovak people. Of many regions of Slovakia, they are mainly focused on regions of Liptovo and Záhorie and through dance, they are trying to process and keep for all future generations the songs, dances and folk music from those areas. Today the ensemble consists of 60 boys and girls, 6 to 15 years old, who perform at festivals and cultural events at home and abroad.


The ensemble went to the folk festival in Bulgaria during this summer, and they shortened or made it more enjoyable by stopping in Kulpin, where they were welcomed by the Cultural-Arts Association “Zvolen” and their Art Director, Michal Čiliak. Children from “Lúčka” presented themselves to the audience in Kulpin with a relaxing program and most importantly, made new acquaintances among their peers.

Foto: Nataša Simonovićová

Wednesday was reserved for the tour of Novi Sad, and during the visit to the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks, where the director Milina Sklabinski informed them about the story of Vojvodina’s Slovaks, about their arrival and about what Slovak content this community prepares for the children. The children were invited to interact because, after a short lecture, questions and rewards from the CIVS waited for them.  

Foto: Nataša Simonovićová

A small quiz has proven that, due to the fact that the children expressed an interest in local Slovaks, they had closely followed the program and for their correct answers received books and music gifts.

To commemorate it and become more familiar with the culture of local Slovaks, in the name of the ensemble, its Director, Pavol Kollárik, recieved the book Slovaks in Serbia in Terms of Culture.


Perhaps the most interesting conclusion of this visit was the reaction of children who sincerely acknowledged that they had not heard about Slovaks in Serbia before, but from then on they would talk to their schoolmates and friends, and that they would definitely return.  

Milina Sklabinská, translated by Bojana Todić
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