CIVS and creative industries

11. September 2013
Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks participated in the work of the international conference CRINSS and hosted the meeting of representatives of European Enterprise Network.


CRINSS – Creative Industries Summer Sessions is an international conference which has been held from September 12th -13th 2013 at the Cultural Centre in Novi Sad, organized by Vojvodina’s Creative Industries Cluster and the European Enterprise Network.


The topic of conference was the “Development and Financing of Creative Industries.” The topic of discussion during this conference was the conditions of development of creative industries, financial programs for creative and cultural industries, as well as creating a platform for participation of creative industries in local and regional initiatives, the candidacy of city of Novi Sad for the European cultural capital, with an overview of the principles of cooperation and multidisciplinary culture.



At this conference, the Director of the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks – Milina Sklabinski, held a presentation concerning the creative industries in function of development of national communities in Vojvodina.


Záber z panelu 1



The final of the national competition “Creative business cup of Serbia” for the best business plan from creative industries was also organized within this conference. The conference was enriched by the competition “Creative Serbia 2013” – a business review of successful examples from creative industries.


The international character of the conference was marked by the annual meeting of the representatives of the sectoral group for creative industries of European Enterprise Network from 20 EU countries, who shared their experiences by participating in the conference and will create new opportunities for cooperation through b2b business meetings. This gathering was held in the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks from September 12th-13th 2013.





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