The celebration of women with a new publication

9. March 2015
On Sunday, March 8th, 2015 a manifold programme was dedicated to Vojvodina Slovak women on the International Women's Day in CIVS.

Our public is already accustomed that every year the Cultural Intitute of Vojvodina's Slovaks holds a programme in Novi Sad on the occasion of Women's day which pays tribute to women. Those who are diligent, hardworking, humble, but wise, Slovak women, from Vojvodina, younger or older ones. Women who for years have an important role in maintaining Slovak idenitity and mother language.

This year, the Women's Day in CIVS was designed for the presentation of a book, life stories of Slovak women in Vojvodina. It is the second extended edition of this book, which was released in late 2014. Prof. Jarmila Hodolicova, Anna Jaskova and Anna Silerova spoke about the book who have completed studies in Backa, Banat and Srem, processed life patern of Slovak women living in Serbia and thus contributed to the creation of this publication.

The directress of CIVS Milina Sklabinska welcomed the authors, as well as all present, and the participants in the program - authentic female singing group from Stara Pazova and talented six year old violinist Lana Zorjanova from Novi Sad.

The program led presenter duo Karmena and Rastislav Zornan, who read verses of Milan Rufus and Jan Smrek, dedicated to women, wives, mothers and grand mothers.

Prof. Jarmila Hodolicova talked about the project women study, led by Professor Svenka Savic, this project was completed by representatives of several different minorities from Vojvodina. According to her, the first input research pointed out that Vojvodina Slovak women in Serbia are seen as diligent, clean, saving a good house wives. Of all the groups surveyed the result shows that Slovak women are most positively characterized, what pleased us, but also gave us the extra boost to continue working, said J. Hodolicova.

She also gave a brief overview of the associations of women in this area, establishing the Central Association of Czechoslovak women in 1921 in Novi Sad, she mentioned significant Slovak women from the past, such as Ludmila Hurbanova, Erzika Micatkova, Marina Maliakova, Stefania Micatkova and others. As the Head of the Department of Slovak Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, J. Hodolicova said that she was pleased that today’s Slovaks from Vojvodina have women at the forefront of our major institutions. She also thanked for the cooperation with the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks and noted that the Department of Slovak studies successfully cooperates with other minority institutions and that it intends to be continued in the future.

A new project in collaboration with CIVS should be a research of Slovak women life stories from Hungary, Romania and Croatia, which would actually allow the third edition of this publication.

The passages from the book were read by Anna Jaskova and Anna Silerova who shared their experiences and feelings from the interviews with women in Banat and Srem. All three authors agree that the mere Vojvodina Slovak women did not have an easy life, they had to work hard in the field and serve in Belgrade, while having children and taking care of the household. But even than they knew how to find happiness in life.

The testimonies of women touched many visitors of this program. At the end of the official part of the programme, the ladies got one copy of this publication, as well as flowers, which were arranged by Svetlusa Hlavacova. Celebration of women continued with a cocktail and a vibrant atmosphere, which was created by the singing group from Stara Pazova.

Photo and text: Katarína Mosnáková-Bagľašová
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