Art monograph of Pavel Pop is currently being prepared

15. October 2015
In the year of 2016 the VSCI in the edition of Visual monographs SlovArt plans to release an art monograph dedicated to the life and work of a painter Pavel Pop.


The first phase of the project was supported by the Office for Slovaks Living Abroad. This year, in accordance with the requests and approved resources, the specialized texts will be finished (authors Sava Stepanov and Vladimír Valentík) and reproductions of paintings and graphics (authors Michal Madacký and Milovan Ulićević).

The aim of the art monographs edition is to support the work of academic painters who are Slovaks living in Serbia, and publish high quality monographs and through professional reviews, quality design and photographs of artwork which represent their life's journey. To make this presentation comprehensible for a wider public, monographs are prepared in Slovak, Serbian and English language.


The first artist who had the honor to introduce herself to the newly edition is Mária Gašková – an academic painter from Kisač. Monograph on her work was presented in 2015. The second artist for whom we will prepare a monograph like this is Pavel Pop, academic painter from Novi Sad. His monograph should be finished in the year of 2016.


Translated by: Anna Širka
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