Na Festivale Aničky Jurkovičovej boli ocenení aj hostia zo Srbska

13. April 2016
V Novom meste nad Váhom bol ukončený XIX. ročník Festivalu Aničky Jurkovičovej, ktorý trval v dńoch 10.-12. apríla 2016.

Jedno z hlavných poslaní festivalu je aj podnecovanie divadelných ochotníckych súborov k inscenovaniu slovenskej a svetovej dramatickej tvorby, ktorá hovorí o postavení a poslaní ženy v živote spoločnosti. Tohtoročný Laureát Festivalu bolo DIVADLO 21 z Opatovej, za inscenáciu hry Johna Patricka: To ste vy, pán Taner?

Divadlo VHV Petrovec získalo dve ocenenia. Za uvedenie inscenácie hry Kataríny Hitzingerovej: Hore nohami, v réžii Hany Tancikovej, získali Ocenenie za šírenie slovenskej kultúry v zahraničí. Okrem toho divadlo z Petrovca dostalo aj Ocenenie za aktuálnu tému v reflexii divadla a jeho poslania a miesta v spoločnosti.

CIVS continues with the project Women Studies. This time the research of the Slovak women life stories is held in Romania, Hungary and Croatia with the support of the Office for Slovaks Living Abroad.
Presentation of the book Slovaks in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes 1918 – 1929 of the author Gabriela Gubová Červená was held on October 8th , 2015 in CIVS.
48th International Travel Fair was festively opened on October 8th 2015. It will last until Saturday, October 10, 2015.
In 2015 the building of the CIVS's database fund continued.
The library of the CIVS oppened to anyone interested in culture of Vojvodina's Slovaks and offers a rich list of titles in different languages ​​and from different areas.
On Thursday August 6th 2015 in CIVS an exhibition of portraits of meaningful personalities in Vojvodina Slovak culture was held.
On Thursday July 23rd 2015 at 6 o'clock p.m. at the Memorial house of Vojlovica a presentation of the monograph called Vojlovica. Cultural traditions of Slovaks in Banat, was held.
On Saturday June 27th 2015 in the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks an exhibition of Zuzana Chalupová's paintings was held.
CIVS has prepared another issue of the yearbook Lighthouse, it shows the review of last year's activities of this institution of culture.
On the occasion of 200th birth anniversary of Ľudovít Štúr a professional lecture was held on the subject Ľudovít Štúr and the Slovak theatre.