The 13th annual of popular music festival And the song flies and flies in the same time this festival has celebrated the 20th annual since its foundation. Because of this jubilee the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks has prepared a CD which contains 17 songs from which have been sung on one of the Festivals which have been realized during the 13 annuals.
The story started with a successful music audition which has been held in the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks on November the 5th 2011. There has come 30 little singers who have courageously presented their singing talent. The commission had a hard work to do. Juraj Ferík, Anna Medveďová and Milina Sklabinská had to pick 17 contestants. Those interprets of the 17 songs are Martin Ján Javorník, Mia Verešová, Una Amidžićová, Dušana Babincová, Iveta Kováčová, Marína Cerovská, Silvia Grňová, Sára Balcová, Rebeka Straková, Martin Parkáni, Ema Kočišová, Alexandra Brtková, Zlatko Klinovský, Sára Valentíková, Marko Macho, Iveta Petrovičová, Maja Miloševićová, Daniela Greksová and Irena Nosáľová.
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The second step was a serious vocal training lead by Slovenka Benková – Martinková in cooperation with Ervin Malina. On this CD there are songs of next composers: Ján Petráš, Ján Šofranka a Adam Torňoš, Jaroslav Chalupa, Pavel Tomáš st., Jaroslav Glózik, Samuel Kováč, Ján Kadanec, Marína Kaňová, Kvetoslava Benková, Rastislav Struhár, Mariena Stankovićová – Kriváková, Ján Holúbek and Jaroslav Fúsek.
The music production is made by Studio Fluid Noise, while the producers are Valerian Buila and Ervin Malina. Part of the publication is a boolet with texts of all songs, Letí pieseň, letí (and the song flies and flies), Fido, Keď narastiem budem dáma (When I grow up I am going to be a lady), strašidlo (scarecrow), Išla sova na tanaec (the owl went on a dance), Mám rada leto (I like summer), Pocit lásky (love feeling), Škola volá (school calls), Bola raz jedna trieda (once there was a class), Môj svet (my world), U susedov (at neighbours), Májový deň (Day of May), Láska je sloboda (Love is freedom), Najmenšia báseň (the smallest poem) and Mesiačiková uspávanka (Moon lullaby). The booklet pages are filled with colorfull theme ilustrations which were designed by Jasmina Simonovićová.
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This way by publishing a CD with songs for children the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina Slovaks has noted a round anniversary of this festival with a goal to spread childrens music to a wide audience.