Aradáč is the oldest Slovak town in todays Serbian locality called Banát in which there are 1376 Slovaks living by the counting from the year 2002. Aradáč is a town where many meaningfull personalities were born and lived such as Leopold Branislav Abafi (Abaffy), first Vojvodian a prvý vojvodinský slovenský akademik Dr. Ján Kmeť. V Aradáči sa narodila a pôsobila aj prvá poetka dolnozemských Slovákov Jaroslava Járošiová. Za špecifický symbol Aradáča a jeho kultúrneho života sa pokladajú Aradáčske meškárky.
This Slovak town is well-known by its various traditions which hide many stories from the past. With an aim to preserve old customs of Slovaks like „Bursovanie“ and to present few of them in a more co – temporary way. To realize these facts there has been made a documentary called A walk with the missis . This title is in the same time one of the local customs which have had first forms of woman theatre in Aradáč.
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The movie was made in the range of development and research activity of the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks and for the occasion of 225 years from the first arrival into the Aradáč. The preparation of this documentary included a field work, collection and monitoring of the literature which has been done by katarina Mosnaková, then a scenario written by the author of this project Annamária Boldocká – Grbićová, the production was made by Radiotelevision Vojvodina containing the directing of Jano Čáni and the last step was the postproduction. The movie is filmed in Slovak language but it also has serbian subtitles what makes this movie accesible to a wider audience.
Documentarry lasts for 30 minutes and its spectators can find out more informations about few local customs like how was the „night measured“ or what does „ Bursovať“ mean and to find out who were the „Fušeri“ but thats not all of it many other customs are desibed in the movie. Thanks to the archive materials of the radio tlevision Vojvodina the action is dynamic. In the movie the cast up were Mária Čechová, Anna Petrášová, Zuzana Obšustová, famous „Aradáčske meškárky“ Anna Puderková, Erža Jánošíková, Erža Jančová and Zuzana Zelenáková and Adela Obšustová, Katarína Viergová, Mária Viergová and on the scenes which were taped in the nowadays played members of cultural-art assembly Mladosť Aradáč .
The documentary can be watched by clicking here.