New organizational scheme of the festival in Pivnice

13. June 2013
On Tuesday, June 11th 2013 in Bačka Palanka, the Contract about the Common Rights and Obligations of the Founders and Organizers of the Festival “Meeting in Pivnice’s field“ was signed.

Our oldest festival, which has preserved the authentic Slovak folk songs for almost fifty years, gained two cofounders by signing this contract – Nacional Council of Slovak National Minority and Slovak Cultural-Arts Association "Pivnice". In addition, the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks and the Municipality of Bačka Palanka are now added to the organization of the festival. All of these subjects have been contributing to the realization of the festival this far, but from now on, their obligations and tasks are precisely defined by the contract. 

Záber zo zasadnutia

Foto: Svetluša Hlaváčová

In the name of the founder, this contract was signed by the President of National Council of Slovak National Minority Ana Tomanova Makanova and the President of Slovak Cultural-Arts Society "Pivnice" Valentin Grnja, and in the name of organizers the Director of the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks Milina Sklabinski and the president of Municipality of Bačka Palanka Aleksandar Đedovac.


All present agreed about the fact that, in these hard times, it is necessary to regulate the rights and obligations of the stakeholders by a contract, specifically because the date of our oldest festival, "Meeting in the Pivnice’s Field" has already been postponed twice in year 2013.

Záber z podpisovania zmluvy

Foto: Svetluša Hlaváčová

Due to the fact that the large financial recources are being invested into festivals, the new organizational scheme should contribute to the creation of such a model, in which the establishments and institutions would be the main professional guarantors of the festivals and the local organizers would continue to be good hosts and promoters of events in their communities.


Beside these mentioned contract signatories, financial resources for the festival are also provided by the Provincial Secretariat for Culture and Public Information APV and the Office for the Slovaks Abroad in Bratislava.

The idea of signing this contract originated at the National Council of Slovak National Minority where institutions and events of special importance for the preservation and development of the Slovak culture in Serbia were named even in 2011. In 2013, The National Council of National Slovak Minority entrusted the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks with the organization of all minorities‘ festivals. Two of them, the Folk Festival "Tancuj, Tancuj ..." and the Festival of Slovak Children's Theatrical Work "3xĐ" were successfully realized this year.

Anna Tomanová Makanová a Milina Sklabinská odovzdali knihy predesdovi obce Báčska Palanka

Foto: Svetluša Hlaváčová

Milina Sklabinská, translated by Bojana Todić
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