Little big Slovak community in Dobanovci

1. July 2013
The Cultural Institute of the Vojvodina's of Slovaks presented in Dobanovci its activity with emphasis on the second edition of Slovaks in Serbia in Terms of Culture.

Depending on the point of view, ten years may be short but also an infinitely long period. From the perspective of a human life it’s not short, but from the perspective of development of the entire human civilization is just a drop in the sea. In the life of a minority, a decade could mean the irretrievable disappearance or its renaissance.

Dobanovci are the best example of what results can be achieved by the selfless and moral work of individuals of this particular community, in cooperation with specialized institutions, with financial support from the competent institutions.

Peter Čapeľa a Vesna Krajčíková v dobanovskom kroji na vchode Slovenského národného domu
Archív SKOS Šafárika v Dobanovciach

In fact, ten years ago, in at the time dilapidated Slovak National Home in Dobanovci (constructed in 1932., and renovated in the late sixties of the last century), a public forum of the National Council of the Slovak National Minority was held. The tribune had a goal to present the mission of this newly established institution to the local Slovaks, and to become acquainted with the problems and needs of the Slovaks who lived there.

Archív SKOS Šafárika v Dobanovciach

Ten years later, in the same place where the demolished old Slovak National house stood, a new and modern facility with full technical equipment was built. It provides everything necessary for unhindered activities of dancers, singers, children, and other interested parties in the Slovak culture. The National Council of the Slovak National Minority greatly helped the realization of construction and thus fulfilled the task that was entrusted to it. In not so distant year 2003, we could only have wished that in ten years we would have developed active female singing group, Association of Women and the cultural activities that include an increasing number of children and youth in Dobanovci. Many of them were not even speaking their native Slovak language. All of this has happened during only ten years and therefore we should pay tribute to all those who have helped.

Milina Sklabinská a Žeľko Čapeľa
Archív SKOS Šafárika v Dobanovciach

As a recognition for the unselfish and persistent work of the Slovak community in Dobanovci, the award, the book Slovaks in Serbia in Terms of Culture , was given to the President of SCES "Šafarik" Željko Čapelja, who has contributed to the high quality realization of not only this, but also many other projects of the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks. The Institute gave copies of this publication to all of the cultural and social institutions and associations of this community, such as Slovak Cultural-Education Society "Safarik", Elementary School "Stevan Sremac", the Local Community of Dobanovci, Community Council of the Slovak Matica in Dobanovci, the local Evangelical Church community, the Assembly of Surčin and to many others.

Đula Šanta, Michal Madacký a Milina Sklabinská
Archív SKOS Šafárika v Dobanovciach

Many visitors of the book promotion have expressed a great interest in the edition and the documentary, which was shown as a part of the program of the promotion. This movie in a certain way presents a total of 36 places, in which Slovaks in Serbia have organized forms of cultural life. The book Slovaks in Serbia in Terms of Culture was presented by the director of the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks Milina Sklabinski, and about their own experiences and unforgettable moments during the preparation of the book spoke a photographer and the author of most of the photos published in the book Mihal Madacki and the designer of this publication Đula Šanta. The editor of the book then mentioned a range of authors and contributors, who are responsible for the final version of this book.

Dievčenská spevácka skupiny SKOS Šafárika z Dobanoviec
Archív SKOS Šafárika v Dobanovciach

Pleasant moments spent with Slovaks from Dobanovci were enriched by the performance of the women’s singing group of the Slovak Cultural-Education Society "Šafarik" who performed Slovak folk songs, and also one Macedonian and one Serbian folk song. Beside music, their performance also presented, perhaps the most beautiful traits of local Slovaks, and that are the love for their culture and the respect for other nationalities they live with. All visitors of the event showed with their presence that the flag of the European Union which equaly stands there in the hall of the Slovak National Home with the Serbian flag, and the flag of the Slovak community in Serbia, is not just a decoration, but it indicates that all of these people aaccept and live according to the European values.  

Archív SKOS Šafárika v Dobanovciach
Milina Sklabinská, translated by Bojana Todić
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