270 years of history, literature and language of the Slovaks in Vojvodina

18. October 2015
On Friday, October 16th 2015, an international conference called 270 years of history, literature and language of the Slovaks in Vojvodina was held.



In early 2015, two major Slovak institutions in Vojvodina, Department of Slovak Studies at the Philosophic Faculty of the University of Novi Sad and the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks have undertaken exceptional way to mark the 270th anniversary of the arrival of Slovaks to the territory of Vojvodina, specifically to Báčsky Petrovec.

In 1745 Slovak reached the so-called Futocké panstvo which in that time belonged to the Čarnojević's. Gradually they began to colonize other environments where they established congregations, schools, reading rooms, libraries, organizations, associations, trying to preserve their language, script, culture and Slovak identity. Today in Vojvodina Slovaks live in 36 settlements in which they have organized a rich cultural life, they educate, work, pray and they think in Slovak language…

With a goal to map the nowadays situation, to express their views, visions and ideas for the future of the Slovaks in Vojvodina literature and language, but just as well to give an overview of the past, the Department of Slovak FFUNS and the Institute for Culture of Vojvodina's Slovaks on Friday, October 16th has organized an International conference on a topic 270 years of history, literature and language of the Slovaks in Vojvodina. The conference, was held at the Faculty of UNS during the award ceremony which was opened by the head of the Slovak Studies Department prof. Dr. Jarmila Hodolič. Dr. Hodolič informed that the conference was signed up by more than 60 correspondents from Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia,

Canada and Australia. All contributions will be published next year in the conference proceedings, which will be released on the occasion of this conference.

The conference was financially supported by the National Council of Slovak Minority (NCSM), Institute for Culture of Vojvodina's Slovaks and the Philosophic Faculty of the University of Novi Sad.

The dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the UNS prof. Dr. Ivana Živančević Sekeruš wished many stimulating contributions and creativeness in the future, to all the correspondents of the conference in their speeches, also the president of the Committee on Education NCSM Ján Brna and the president of the Association of Slovak teachers Maria Andrášik interceded. The letter written by the president of the Office for Slovaks Living Abroad, Ján Varšo, was read who although was prevented to attend the conference in person, wished the organizers and participants of the conference successful conference.

Jasna Uhláriková welcomed many distinguished guests at the opening ceremony, among whom were also the representatives of the Office for Slovaks Living Abroad Augustine Lang, Vice-presidente of NCSM Ján Litavský, coordinator of the Committee on Education of the NCSM Dr. Paed Svetlana Zolňanová, director of Slovak publishing center Vladimir Valentík, as well as the Representative of the Institute for the publishing of textbooks, also the journalists. She also welcomed all the participants and all present at the conference who had the opportunity to listen to almost 50 inspirational and valuable contributions of domestic and foreign contributors in the historical, literary and linguistic section. 

prof. Dr. Ivana Živančevićová Sekerušová, dekanka Filozofickej fakulty UNS
Ma. Jasna Uhlarikováprof. Dr. Jarmila Hodoličová, vedúca Oddelenia slovakistiky FFUNS
Ján Brna, predseda Výboru pre vzdelávanie NRSNM

Historical section was moderated by prof. Dr. Samuel Čelovský and Mgr. Gabriela Gubová PhD., literary science by doc. Mgr. Marta Součková, PhD., Assoc. Dr. Marina Šimáková Speváková, prof. Dr. Adam Svetlik, while the linguistic section moderators were prof. Dr. Anna Makišová, prof. Dr. Anna Maričová, prof. Dr. Dudok Miroslav, prof. Mgr. Juraj Glovňa, PhD. and Mr. Zuzana Týrová. Schedule of all the contributions can be seen here:


The fact that contributions are truly valuable and challenging witness the lively and constructive discussions after each block of entries, lasting until late evening.


The next day, October 17th, the conference participants had the opportunity to visit Slovak institutions in Vojvodina and organizations in Báčsky Petrovec in the form of a trip, which the organizers have prepared in order to get familiar with the life of Vojvodina's Slovaks.

The first stop in Petrovec was the Gymnasium Ján Kollár which was introduced by Anamaria Boldocká Grbićová, a teacher of Slovak language. The gallery of Zuzka Medveďová and installed exhibition of illustrations Štefan Pavelka presented Vladimír Valentík, an art critic and director of the Slovak publishing center. In the rooms of the Women Association of Petrovec the guests could see two exhibitions one about a traditional Slovak wedding and another one about Cannabis sativa L which was once richly produced in Petrovec.


A chairperson of the Women Association Maria Gašparovská and a member Drahotína Dorčová talked about the activities of the Association. Guests could also see the Slovak Evangelical church in Petrovec. About the activities of Slovak Matica in Serbia spoke its chairperson Katarina Melegová Melichová. The installed exhibition of Slovak Vojvodina Museum (SVM) and the oldest house in Petrovac was presented by Pavel Čani, the director of SVM. At the end guests visited the Kulpin mansion.


Translated by: Anna Širka
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