Na Festivale Aničky Jurkovičovej boli ocenení aj hostia zo Srbska

13. April 2016
V Novom meste nad Váhom bol ukončený XIX. ročník Festivalu Aničky Jurkovičovej, ktorý trval v dńoch 10.-12. apríla 2016.

Jedno z hlavných poslaní festivalu je aj podnecovanie divadelných ochotníckych súborov k inscenovaniu slovenskej a svetovej dramatickej tvorby, ktorá hovorí o postavení a poslaní ženy v živote spoločnosti. Tohtoročný Laureát Festivalu bolo DIVADLO 21 z Opatovej, za inscenáciu hry Johna Patricka: To ste vy, pán Taner?

Divadlo VHV Petrovec získalo dve ocenenia. Za uvedenie inscenácie hry Kataríny Hitzingerovej: Hore nohami, v réžii Hany Tancikovej, získali Ocenenie za šírenie slovenskej kultúry v zahraničí. Okrem toho divadlo z Petrovca dostalo aj Ocenenie za aktuálnu tému v reflexii divadla a jeho poslania a miesta v spoločnosti.

110 years ago, a composer and organ player W. F.Bistri, a figure of all-Slavic cultural history, settled in Padina. The anniversary of his arrival was the opportunity for CIVS to organize a concert.
The Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks hosts the public art exhibition by the academic painter Maria Gaško, which will close at the end of August.
The Cultural Institute held an evening event, during which the creativity of a young Slovakian writer Marek Zakopčan was presented together with the contemporary literary works in Slovakia.
Children from the folk ensemble "Lúčka", on their trip to Bulgaria, took a break in Vojvodina where they gained new experiences, adventures and made new friends among Vojvodina’s Slovaks.
The Cultural Institute of the Vojvodina's of Slovaks presented in Dobanovci its activity with emphasis on the second edition of Slovaks in Serbia in Terms of Culture.
The Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Croats, together with the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks organizes an organ music concert called “Voices of the Organs in a Plain” in Kovačica.
On Tuesday, June 11th 2013 in Bačka Palanka, the Contract about the Common Rights and Obligations of the Founders and Organizers of the Festival “Meeting in Pivnice’s field“ was signed.
Due to the huge interest of the readers, the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks published the second, expanded edition of the book Slovaks in Serbia in Terms of Culture.
On Sunday, June 9th 2013, in Cultural Center in Silbaš, the newest publication of the local Slovaks ' Silbaš – Cultural Traditions of Slovaks in Bačka' was presented.
The 20th Festival of Children's Theatrical Work "3 x Đ", which involved 13 competitive plays, ended on Sunday in Stara Pazova.