Babinka, Michal,
the poet, teacher, journalist and editor
Benka Zlatko,
the poet and journalist
Benková, Viera,
the poetess, prosaist and journalist
Bohuš Paľo,
the poet, essayist, and physician
Demák, Miroslav,
the poet, journalist and publisher
Ďuga Michal,
the poet and editor
Ferko Andrej,
the poet and physician
Godra, Michal,
the poetaster, linguist and high school professor
Hronec, Víťazoslav,
the poet, prosaist, literary critique and redactor
Krno Dalibor Miloš,
verejný činiteľ, publicista, vysokoškolský pedagóg
Labáth Ján,
the poet, prosaist and electrical engineer
Mučaji, Pavel,
the poet and high school professor
Prebudila Martin,
the poet and journalist
Ribay, Juraj,
poetaster, philologian, ethnographer and journalist
Šafárik Pavel Jozef,
the poet, historian, ethnographer, slavist and university professor
Tušiak Juraj,
the poet, prosaist, redactor and journalist