Na Festivale Aničky Jurkovičovej boli ocenení aj hostia zo Srbska

13. April 2016
V Novom meste nad Váhom bol ukončený XIX. ročník Festivalu Aničky Jurkovičovej, ktorý trval v dńoch 10.-12. apríla 2016.

Jedno z hlavných poslaní festivalu je aj podnecovanie divadelných ochotníckych súborov k inscenovaniu slovenskej a svetovej dramatickej tvorby, ktorá hovorí o postavení a poslaní ženy v živote spoločnosti. Tohtoročný Laureát Festivalu bolo DIVADLO 21 z Opatovej, za inscenáciu hry Johna Patricka: To ste vy, pán Taner?

Divadlo VHV Petrovec získalo dve ocenenia. Za uvedenie inscenácie hry Kataríny Hitzingerovej: Hore nohami, v réžii Hany Tancikovej, získali Ocenenie za šírenie slovenskej kultúry v zahraničí. Okrem toho divadlo z Petrovca dostalo aj Ocenenie za aktuálnu tému v reflexii divadla a jeho poslania a miesta v spoločnosti.

On Wednesday, June 5th 2013, the students of Elementary School "Zdravko Čelar" from Čelarevo visited the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks.
The winner of the 43rd folk music festival "Tancuj, tancuj..." is the folk music ensemble "U pivničkom polju" part of the Slovak Cultural Artistic Society "Pivnice".
On Thursday, May 30th this year, at the theater hall of the Slovak Cultural Artistic Society "Jednota" in Šid, presentation of the book Slovaks in Serbia from the Cultural Aspect took place.
On Friday, May 24th, at the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina’s Slovaks, a multimedia program dedicated to the Days of Slavic Culture was held.
Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks and “Isidor Bajic” music school from Novi Sad, organized Marek Stupavski’s solo concert.
Current cultural issues of Vojvodina’s Slovaks and the RS’s support of education were discussed during the visit to the Institute.
The 66th solo exhibition of the naive painter Alžbeta Čížiková was held on April 18th 2013 in Novi Sad. This was also the first exhibition of naive art works in CIVS.
Signing of the contract on mutual rights and obligations of the founders and organizers of FF DD... and by first working meeting, the organizational Board began the preparations for this event.
Vojvodina Academy of Sciences and Arts in collaboration with the Slovak Academy of Sciences published a book about Slovak history in Serbian language. The author is an academician Dušan Kováč.
CIVS has won a special prize of the international trade fair in category of the edition achievment of the year for the publication called Slovaks in Serbia from the cultural aspect.