Na Festivale Aničky Jurkovičovej boli ocenení aj hostia zo Srbska

13. April 2016
V Novom meste nad Váhom bol ukončený XIX. ročník Festivalu Aničky Jurkovičovej, ktorý trval v dńoch 10.-12. apríla 2016.

Jedno z hlavných poslaní festivalu je aj podnecovanie divadelných ochotníckych súborov k inscenovaniu slovenskej a svetovej dramatickej tvorby, ktorá hovorí o postavení a poslaní ženy v živote spoločnosti. Tohtoročný Laureát Festivalu bolo DIVADLO 21 z Opatovej, za inscenáciu hry Johna Patricka: To ste vy, pán Taner?

Divadlo VHV Petrovec získalo dve ocenenia. Za uvedenie inscenácie hry Kataríny Hitzingerovej: Hore nohami, v réžii Hany Tancikovej, získali Ocenenie za šírenie slovenskej kultúry v zahraničí. Okrem toho divadlo z Petrovca dostalo aj Ocenenie za aktuálnu tému v reflexii divadla a jeho poslania a miesta v spoločnosti.

On Monday, April 20th, 2015 at the International Book Salon in Novi Sad there was presented an artistic monograph of Maria Gasko.
On Friday 10th April 2015 a book presentation Slovak women- the life stories of Slovak women in Vojvodina, was held in Padina.
On Sunday, March 8th, 2015 a manifold programme was dedicated to Vojvodina Slovak women on the International Women's Day in CIVS.
The Cultural Institute of Vojvodina's Slovaks completed the digitization of audio recordings of field research made by a university professor, a prominent linguist and researcher Daniel Dudok.
At the fair Slovakiatour in Bratislava the President of Slovakia Andrej Kiska stopped by the exhibit stand of Vojvodina's Slovaks.
World Theatre Day was initiated in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute (ITI). It is celebrated annually on the 27th March by ITI Centres and the international theatre community.
On Tuesday, March 25th 2014 in the large hall of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina was held the AER Conference Culture for All.
At the Cultural Institute of Vojvodina Slovaks the organizers of the 21st children theatre creation competition called 3xĎ have had a meeting.
Within the traditional event called Winter with a book which was held on March 12th 2014 was presented the doctoral dissertation of Dr. Zuzana Čižiková.
March the 8th CIVS devoted to women who have contributed to raising culture in our area in the past, as well as to those who are doing it nowadays.